palaeofail-explained: disc-winged bats have suction cups on their hands sucker-footed bats are…


disc-winged bats have suction cups on their hands

sucker-footed bats are similar but they use sticky sweat, not suction cup hands

são tomé collared fruit bats have three lower incisors with one in the middle like tom cruise

mouse-tailed bats have really long tails 

new zealand short-tailed bats prefer to walk on the forest floor and often dig for food, they also sometimes dig burrows 

bulldog bats catch fish 

spectral bats catch and eat birds

bat wings have such large surface area with blood vessels so close to the skin that they can do up to 11% of their gas exchange directly through the skin, this is measured like this:

vampire bats are the only known vertebrates that lack maltase, the enzyme that breaks down maltose sugars

honduran white bats make leaf tents and sleep together in piles

now you know more about bats

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